Methodology to Master Language

At Sattva Vikas, we follow the nature’s time-table. We begin the day in an ideal way with sports activities such as Volley ball, Lawn Tennis, Karate etc. which invigorates the children with lots of energy and enthusiasm and vitality. Lively drills in mathematics help them to master calculation and later provide concrete application for each new skill.
The students have an ample scope to learn from these multitude of activities – yoga, art and craft, music, karate and outdoor games. Physical education provides a change from academics and encourages healthy recreation. Organized games and activities improve concentration, co-ordination and co-operation between team members. They foster creativity and encourage interaction. The lessons learnt in karate bring about marked improvement in physical strength and concentration. It proves that mental as well as physical prowess is essential to success in any field.
Creativity is a journey for adventure
Our art program teaches even the youngest students to draw realistically, using basic shapes as the foundation for representing people, animals, buildings, landscapes, and objects. Each year, the students enhance their work as they learn more about art elements and principles such as colour, shading, proportion, and perspective. They enjoy applying their skills to illustrate and reinforce ideas from science, literature, and geography, as well as to design projects of their choice. Craft projects give them the chance to relax and experiment with different media, and gain the satisfaction of creating objects with their own hands.
These activities provide a platform to the students to showcase their talents using their vivid imagination and creativity. It also boosts up their self confidence and enables them to perform better in academics too.
‘Music – The universal language’- An instrument for Sattvites to channelize their energy into constructive output.
Under the guidance of our experts, Sattvites explore and appreciate the nuances of soulful music. Within the school premises they learn to play instrument of their choice namely – tabla, flute and keyboard, which develops their rhythmic sense and produce harmonies by blending the various musical tones. Music helps them to improve their reflexes and eye-hand co-ordination. This indeed helps them to soothe their souls as well as enliven the atmosphere with cheerfulness.
YogaThe word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’ meaning to bind the yoke. It is the true union of our will with will of God.
In a serene environment under the guidance of professionally qualified yoga expert, Sattva children perform yogasanas to secure purity of body, mind and soul which stimulates, regulates and harmonizes vital energy of the body, resulting in excellence in all the spheres of life.
The time devoted to computer aided learning in the classroom helps accomplish Sattva’s goal of teaching precisethinking, complementing our logic and mathematics curricula. Our child feels at ease with computers, they learn keyboarding and word processing techniques, beginning in the pre-primary itself. Most importantly, they learn to scrutinize their reasoning as they solve problems using the timeless Logo programming language and, later, Pascal. In the techno-loaded environment of Sattva, computer is the most commonly seen device as each bench is equipped with a computer. In all our school has 250 computers to aid the teaching process.